◉節分◉(English will follow) 毎年恒例で豆まきの代わりにコーヒー豆まきをしているのですが、今日は忙しくてできなそうなので、お家の豆まきの様子を☺️ それでは皆様も楽しい節分をお過ごし下さい😸
◉Setsubun◉ Today is a holiday in japan called “Setsubun” It’s a holiday to celebrate the coming of spring...it’s kind of a funny holiday 🙂 It involves a tradition of throwing dried soy beans and say “oni wa soto fuku wa uchi” it’s mean throwing the beans represents getting rid of bad luck and welcome good luck! And we eat our age plus one beans! Have a good “Setsubun”day!
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